

WOR(L)D OF REVOLUTION: Radio workshop 🇸🇰🇵🇸🇫🇷🇷🇴🇨🇿🇦🇷

micCRISTIAN ESTRELLAtoday07/04/2019 126

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    WOR(L)D OF REVOLUTION: Radio workshop 🇸🇰🇵🇸🇫🇷🇷🇴🇨🇿🇦🇷 CRISTIAN ESTRELLA


Is possible to created a whole radio show and stream it live, literally from zero, in just 5 hours?
The answer was “yes”, thanks to the collaborative energy of Alexandra Bolfová, Helga Pavelkova, Ioana Ciobanu, Karol Filo, Laurent Festas, Mário Drgoňa, Mircea Alexandru, Monika Sojčáková, Ritta Kamel, Sliman Mukarker, Vilmos Péter, Christina Rose Rosette, Mirna Sakhleh, Munther Bannourah, and Staniela Atanascheva.
As part of In Memoriam:Word, during one day of intensive work, this 15 young artists from Palestine, France, Rumania, Czech and Slovakia, joined the activities of: pre-production, creation of artistic spots, graphic art, interviews, musicalization, live music, audio edition, technical operation…

The vocal preparation was in charge of the Slovak singer and composer Ivana Mer, and the general direction was made by Cristian Estrella (director of RADIO RUEDA) with the special assistance of Lucas Castro Flores. Many thanks to Divadlo Potoñ.
“Wor(l)d of Revolution” was part of the ArtCamp In memoriam: Word, an exchange project supported by European Union program Erasmus+, initiated and coordinated by Pôtoň Theatre from Bátovce, Slovakia. Young people from 5 countries worked together on artistic reflections on the topic of freedom of speech, freedom of expression. This project is supposed to be a response to current situation of freedom of expression and speech not only in Slovakia, but around the world. There are several sad stories of journalists that led to this initiative. Murder, disappearance, persecution, blackmail, harassment, defamation, hateful references. These are the fates of the people that dedicated their lives to uncover the truth. These attacks on investigative journalists and freedom of speech are frustrating to people who wish to live in a democratic society. Through this project we want to pay homage to the work of journalists, who try to uncover the truth despite the danger they face.
Another issue that this project was trying to face is the tendency of the society to forget. Impulses that the society experiences directly after the incidents are strong in the given moments, but the public displeasure fades in time. We tend to forget. The aim was NOT to forget and to keep this topic alive through art.
In the end, we can see parallels between the work of a journalist and the work of an artist in the freedom of expression, which is often supressed from above.


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