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RADIO RUEDA InterPermaCultural, Bilingual, Experimental, Artivist & Human
Founded by Gediminas Stankevičius (drums), Karolis Levarauskas (alto sax) and Arūnas “W” Blažys (electric guitar) in Vilnius, 2018, the band mainly focuses on afrobeat, afrojazz, funk and highlife music. In january of 2020, joined by other talented musicians “Ojibos” released their debut album “Ojiboland” which was supported by Lithuanian performing rights organization “AGATA”. It also happened to be the first such genre album from Lithuania and one of the first ones from Eastern Europe music scene. Quickly after release album aired locally well known radio stations “LRT Opus”, “Start FM” in Lithuania and received many positive reviews from Belgium, France, Brazil, Argentina and United States as well as music people from Lithuania. Only positive feedback was received from well known african culture and afrobeat music ambassador in Belgium Benjamin Tollet a.k.a DJ Mukambo who featured “Ojiboland” in his popular radio podcasts. “Ojibo Afrobeat” on stage is an open-hearted act which shares positive energy and good vibes. During live performances this combination rarely leaves the audience without a proper party.
Written by • Escrito por: RADIO RUEDA
Producido y conducido desde Argentina en la Provincia de Buenos Aires, integra diferentes voces sobre un mismo tema elegido, a través de la miradas de profesionales y especialistas.
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22:00 - 23:00
Federico Sainz
23:00 - 00:00
Federico Sainz
00:00 - 02:00
Alimentando el gusto por la nueva música
02:00 - 02:40
02:40 - 03:00
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